medicare check การใช้
- She mentioned her mother's Social Security and Medicare check.
- Several Medicare contractors said it was pointless to follow the government's instruction to issue Medicare checks less frequently.
- All sorts of foul-ups can occur, from computers being unable to process Medicare checks, to electrical systems shutting down.
- The senior's Medicare check would go directly to the insurer to pay for basic coverage _ whatever that ends up to include.
- "I think it would be a joke for me to ever get a Medicare check, " said Perot, who turned 65 earlier this summer.
- Do people really want their government to do next to nothing-- save to put their Medicare checks in the mail and to defend the borders against assorted flotsam?
- "It would be a joke for me to ever get a Medicare check " because " I don't need it, " he said.
- In the event of an impasse between the White House and Congress, " judges might become deeply involved in determining whether Social Security or Medicare checks would be stopped.
- And it's very important for me to make clear that we can have tax relief and tax reform and make the codes fairer without affecting anybody's Medicare check.
- "People will be asked the question, do you want tax relief, or do you want somebody to not get their Medicare check ? " the president continued.
- "The problem we have oftentimes in America is that people will be asked the question, ` Do you want tax relief or do you want somebody not to get their Medicare check ? "'
- "I guess I wouldn't call it mayhem here, " said Joe Tilghman, regional administrator for the federal Health Care Financing Administration, which writes Medicare checks for the elderly and Medicaid checks for the poor.
- US military, airline safety and law enforcement personnel will stay on the job, and Social Security and Medicare checks will still be sent out, but federal health and safety inspectors, scientists, passport clerks and other nonessential personnel will be furloughed.
- To get through tax territory and other potential swamps, leaders in both chambers are talking about being kinder to Democrats, but they are gritting their teeth when they say that, remembering campaign charges that painted Republicans as the ogres who wanted to cut grandma's Medicare checks.
- It is time, federal officials urged, to set priorities for repairing the more than 5, 000 computer systems that are essential to the day-to-day functions of government agencies _ which range from issuing tens of millions of Medicare checks every month, to keeping airplanes safely separated in flight every minute, to keeping track of when prisoners are eligible for release.